Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stories From Our New Homes!

First Reports from our transfers to Northern Shelters:

Nov 2011

I had a great sleep last night. I slept as close as possible to my new mom and she didn’t even mind my snoring! The only reason I got out of bed in the morning was because she wanted me to. We went outside and I did my duty even though it was pretty wet and cold! Mom was really proud! I’m pretty sure the small holes under the fence are for me to check out  so I give it a try but mom reminds me that this is not a good idea. DARN!
I got used to my new house by jumping on every chair possible to see which one is going to work best for me. (although I have to say my bed is the best) Mom set up my crate today and every now and then I go in it. It’s pretty comfortable also. I like keeping my toys close by. Mom thinks it’s pretty funny that I have to have them altogether in my bed or crate. Even the guys are pretty cool. They keep wanting to play but I like all the rub downs I get the best!
We went for a walk for a while today on my leash. What fun that was! Mom could not believe how fast I walked! I think she is really proud of me! (especially when I did my duties in the woods instead of someone’s lawn)
So, I am getting ready to settle in for another night in my new home but I wanted to thank you both for finding me the right one! You are the best!
Lucy Lu

"Daisy (Bassett Hound) has had the best day!  
Our house is a bit busier than normal with a house guest but Daisy likes everyone she meets.  She has even met some dogs, known and unknown to me.  She slept well in her crate, crated well when I went off to work.  Is going outside appropriately, doesn't love her meds.
She has bonded with everyone she sees.  My friend brought her a gift, a ball, which she demonstrated great competence and enjoyment with.
We've had several healthy walks today, including 3 mile neighborhood circle and a visit to church, she has met the old, the young (16 month old twin neighbors), and the handicapped (a friend in a scooter).
She could not be more charming.
My friend who gave her the ball was really bowled over and impressed by how well socialized and trained she is.
We just love her."


"Bella increasingly exceeds my expectations every day...and its nuts that she has only been here for...only 4 days?  She now follows commands maybe 90% of the time and is a VERY calm and mellow dog.  She is very easy going, which was not expected this early on!! Gets along GREAT with every human and dog she meets...even went to the dog park with my brothers dog the other day with success!  We have another trip planned for Saturday with some friends and their lab.  She was in the crate on two occasions yesterday for 2-3 hours when I was at work and did very minor whining the first time when I left, but that was easily rectified with a kong and some peanut butter the second time.  The only issue that we've really had is pooping- not peeing- in the house, and we're working on it!  And, that is very minor and will only improve with time!

Thanks again, she is phenomenal."


"Sparky is doing well today.  It has been a very entertaining 48 hours.  He actually seemed to thoroughly enjoy lots of Halloween chaos and kids (party of 2 toddlers, Eli and two 12yr. olds) plus four adults and four 18 year olds.  Whoo hoo!  Not to mention hoards of other trick-or-treaters.  He totally took it all in stride.  All the neighbors think he is absolutely wonderful and have welcomed him to the neighborhood.  

The lump appears the same.  He lays next to me on the bed at night and I put a wet wash cloth on it with a heating pad on top.  He just lays there and falls right to sleep.

He is totally "potty trained" and whines when he needs to go out.  We heard his voice for the first time when we dropped Eli off at school on Monday morning.  He looked so worried watching Eli walk into the building.  


May 26, 2010

I was mourning the loss of a beloved pet.  I decided to go and visit my aunt in Aiken.  I had no intention of  getting another dog.  We came across an ad in the local paper. It was an urgent last call for a strange looking dog.  There was something about this little guy.  We couldn't get him out of our minds.  So we went to see him... He is a chihauhau/whippet mix... hmmm He weighed 15lbs and was the funniest looking dog you have ever seen!  But I believe he had adopted me before my plane had touched the ground.  His name was Uno.  A sure favorite with the staff at the county Shelter.  Renamed Odie, and now a healthy 19lbs.  He is named Odie because he is a carbon copy for the dog in the Garfield cartoon... One ear up and one down with his long tongue hanging out of his mouth! You should see this guy run!! Now I know where the whippit comes in... he loves the beach!! He is a hit with everyone! He loves all the attention!   The first question is always" what breed is he?" then "where did you get him"  He is my ad for shelter dogs everywhere!  I can't imagine my life without this little guy.  He is so loving and a joy to have in my life.  


May 6, 2010

I was drawn back to the shelter by a picture of a small cross pup that was at one of the local tack stores in Aiken.  Even though realistically I did not have the space for another pup I could not help but go to the shelter, only to find that the little guy had been adopted.  I asked who was next on the list and was taken back and met Chai, the dancing dog.  At the time she was just a little brindle mix that had been there too long.  We took her out to the pen to play and connect and clearly she was so excited to be outside.  Finding myself as usual, committed I signed the paperwork and two weeks later, now renamed Maddie stormed into our lives.  She is just the most amazing little girl, I have had so many people ask to adopt her and my answer is always "no"!  She bops her head a few times and then trots on the spot, it is hilarious and adoring.  I'm sure she did this in the cage to attract attention and make people notice her. I cannot imagine life without Maddie, what a special girl she is and will always be.  I'm so thankful to again being able to adopt a beautiful dog from the shelter.  I cannot imagine why anyone would give up or abandon this amazing little dog. 
